For successful brands that sell.

For around 30 years, we have worked not only in the retail and discount sectors, but also for several well-known manufacturers in the food, non-food, cosmetics and OTC medication industries. This has resulted in a wide range of services and skills for the benefit our customers. We enter your development process at the exact point where you need our support. We are here to help – any time, any day!

Status quo & analysis

Branding and design strategies

Product design

Packaging design

Design development

Product implementation

Photo studio


Sales support/POS design

Status quo & analysis

We always like to be involved in the development stage at the very beginning of a project. We work with you to determine the direction in which your brand or product should go. But even if we join you at a subsequent stage in the process, you will still benefit from our expertise and experience.

  • Market screening
  • Store check
  • Analysis of the product range environment
  • Market/competition/design analysis
    Ein Tisch mit einer Tasse und Untertasse, einem Milchkännchen aus Metall, einer Schale mit Löffel und zwei Kristallgläsern. Schwarzweißbild.

    Branding and design strategies

    Where are we going on this journey? What is the competition doing? What should the product be called? How should I position the product? How should my brand be developed, in order to be future oriented? How can I further develop my brand, or position a new brand? We will work with you to answer all of these questions, and to develop successful strategies for your product and brand.

    • Positioning
    • Name development
    • Brand relaunch
    • Brand redevelopment
      Esszimmer mit einem langen Tisch, gepolsterten Stühlen und einem Sofa. In der Mitte des Tisches steht eine Blumenvase. Der Raum ist in einem rosa Farbton gehalten.

      Product design

      The external design of a product is usually an essential reason for its uniqueness and success. What does my chocolate bar look like? How thick is it? What kind of design is on each individual piece? What does the perfect yoghurt pot look like? Is it easy to stack? Our designers are not only passionate about packaging, but also professionally and creatively designing the product itself.

      • Shape
      • Material
      • Colour
      • Structure
      • Technical implementation
        Schwarz-Weiß-Bild von technischen Skizzen und Zeichnungen verschiedener Behälter, Bleistifte und eines Lineals auf einem Holztisch.

        Packaging design

        If our company were a school, we would have to say that packaging design was our favourite subject. We love designing packaging, whether it be for individual products or ranges, or for new brands or well-known ones. For us, the best tasks are thinking about variety differentiations, slogans, perfect food styling and the latest design trends, and developing the perfect design for your product.

        • Range structure/design
        • Design development
        • Master design development
        • A marriage of two brands (brand plus licence)
          Person, die einen iMac mit einem Bild eines Löwen und Büchern auf dem Bildschirm verwendet. Die Szene ist rot getönt.

          Design development

          No matter how elaborate or creative a design may be, the design effort is often in vain if it is not elaborated – e.g. adaptation, image editing, etc. Thanks to our many years of experience, we know what is important in terms of detail.

          • Design modification/adaptation (pursuant to guidelines)
          • Range adaptation
          • Image editing
          • Composing
          • Guidelines
            Person, die an einem Computer mit Grafikdesignsoftware arbeitet.

            Product implementation

            We are diligent. We support you from start to finish. In other words, the same employee will assist you in the development and design stages, and make the end product. Really? Really! There is no department focussing solely on design, or another dedicated to adaptation or final artwork. One single employee is responsible for the whole job. This has the advantages that no detail is lost, and that no fundamental errors and that no fundamental errors arise during the subsequent development stage, which must then be painstakingly ironed out in the end product. While this approach may be unusual for an agency, it means that a designer knows what s/he has to pay attention to, and what must be done to make the design workable in later production. Last but not least, it allows us to be fast and flexible, and even the craziest requests can be realised!

            • End product
            • Pre-print stage
            • Production monitoring
            • Editing/translation
            • Printing data management
              Person, die Pantone-Farbfächer vor einem Computerbildschirm hält, auf dem eine Bildbearbeitungssoftware angezeigt wird.

              Photo studio

              Don’t just use stock material – take a picture of the actual product. Our photo studio allows us to include real images of your product in our designs. Food styling and all the trimmings. This makes it easier for you to assess designs, and we are already at a stage in the design phase that leads us swiftly towards development and data transfer. This makes us a partner who can also keep timings that seem practically impossible.

              • Own photo studio
              • Food styling
                Person bereitet Essen hinter einem mit Tellern, Kameraausrüstung und einem Computer gedeckten Tisch in einem Raum mit sanfter Beleuchtung zu.


                Do you want to design a character for your product? Do you want to design a personalised advent calendar? Whatever illustrative design you have in mind (and irrespective of whether it is a cartoon or a photo-realistic image), it simply “flows” out of the hands of our illustrators. In other words, we can just scribble something or draw directly. We can make up “pleasant” stories and use photography to perfectly showcase your coffee maker in all its glory, with lighting and effects. If the basis is just CAD drawings from product development, we will create a photo-realistic image of your future product.

                • Own illustration studio
                • Character design
                • Photo-realistic illustration
                  Person, die ein digitales Zeichentablett mit einem Stift verwendet und an einem Grafikdesignprojekt arbeitet.

                  Sales support/POS design

                  You might think that when the print data for the packaging is handed over, our part in the project is over. That’s not true! The next step is what helps you to put your product on the shelves: sales support. We produce 3D packaging simulations, we construct displays, and give you a visual presence in-store. We simulate shelves on which your customers can see new products. We create sales folders, and everything else you need to sell products.

                  • Dummy production
                  • Sales folder
                  • Display/case
                  • Competitions
                  • 3D visualisation/CGI
                  • Shelf simulation
                  • Exhibition design
                    Ein kleiner Hund steht in einem Türrahmen in einem hellen, modernen Wohnzimmer mit Parkettboden und einem Sessel. Schwarzweißbild.


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