Image with German text listing häufige Verpackungsdesign-Fehler, such as avoiding weak contrast, overloaded backgrounds, typos, information overload, and unclear messages.

DON´TS: Häufige Fehler im Verpackungsdesign

Beim Verpackungsdesign ist es essenziell, einige häufige Fehler zu vermeiden, um die Attraktivität und Effektivität der Verpackung zu maximieren. Zunächst ist es wichtig, schwachen Kontrast zu vermeiden, da Farbkombinationen mit geringem Kontrast, wie beispielsweise hellgelbe Schrift auf weißem Hintergrund, schwer lesbar sind. Ein überladener Hintergrund sollte ebenfalls vermieden werden, da er von den Hauptinhalten ablenken und die Lesbarkeit beeinträchtigen kann. Es ist besser, ein Design zu wählen, das die Hauptelemente unterstützt, anstatt mit ihnen zu konkurrieren. Ein weiteres wichtiges Detail ist der Abstand zu Stanzungen. Wichtige Designelemente sollten nicht zu nah am Rand der Verpackung platziert werden, um zu verhindern, dass sie bei der Produktion [mehr]

Pink card with fireworks, champagne, and glasses illustrations. Text: Das Malvega Team wünscht ein frohes neues Jahr.

Das Team von Malvega wünscht ein frohes neues Jahr

Das Jahr 2023 ist abgeschlossen und 2024 ist bereit mit neuen Momenten gefüllt zu werden. Für das neue Jahr wünschen wir Ihnen vor allem Gesundheit und Freude. Dass Sie immer die Kraft finden, Herausforderungen zu meistern und den Mut haben zu träumen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie auch in diesem Jahr bestmöglich unterstützen und Ihnen in jeder Lage mit Rat beiseitestehen zu können. Wir stoßen auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2024 an!

Rosa Banner mit dem Text „Wussten Sie schon, dass…“ umrahmt Skizzen von Verpackungsdesigns neben einer Glühbirnenillustration und fängt die Essenz von „Kleine Pastille, große Wirkung“ ein.

… wir auch Ihre Packshots erstellen? Kopieren

Aber was ist überhaupt ein Packshot? Der Begriff Packshot ist eine Zusammensetzung aus zwei verkürzten Wörtern und kommt aus dem Englischen. Die lange Schreibweise des Begriffes wäre „Package shot”. Dabei steht „Package” für die Verpackung und „Shot” bezeichnet die Aufnahme, also das Schießen des Fotos. Packshots gehören in den Bereich der Produktfotografie und präsentieren Ihr Produkt oder Ihre Verpackung. Damit dies aber auch optimal funktioniert und so wenig Ablenkung wie möglich stattfindet, wird das Produkt auf einem schlichten, meist weißen, Hintergrund platziert. Die Darstellung ist also sehr einfach und minimalistisch, dennoch können feine Details oder Designmerkmale durch den Fokus auf das Produkt bestmöglich hervorgehoben werden. [mehr]

A person with short brown hair wearing a maroon top and gold necklace smiles in a softly lit room with blurred greenery in the background.

Malvega – ready for the future. Paula Humberg is a designer in training

At Malvega, nurturing excellent new talent is very important. On 1 August, we were delighted to welcome Paula Humberg, an apprentice designer, to our team. Our promise to her is that during her three-year apprenticeship, she will acquire all the skills and expertise – both in theory and practice – that a top artist needs. Her training as a media designer (both digital and print) is a dual course, which alternates between theory and practice. Her time will be divided between a vocational school and the company’s premises. Media designers use different media to create both printed and digital information resources. Apprentices have the option [mehr]

Collage of images showing a person harvesting and cooking with yellow plums, including hands picking plums, plums in a bowl, baking, and a finished dish on a plate.

Malvega gets that summery feeling – as a team, in the garden, and on the plate

It’s late summer in the Malvega garden, and the wonderful Mirabelle plums have ripened beautifully. They truly are a feast for the eyes. Do they remind anyone else of Grandma’s best cakes? Mmmmh! Thinking of the taste, and breathing in the lovely smell, a group of colleagues decides to do something a little different during their lunch break. Just like we creatively package products, the group wants to pack freshly-picked fruit into a truly scrumptious tarte tatin. Our colleague and passionate amateur chef Werner quickly suggests a recipe from his repertoire. As a team, we conjure up a magnificent cake in an instant. Fantastic – [mehr]

Verpackungsdesign Malvega - Referenz: WertBar von DeVauGe

BACK TO NATURE – Packaging designs for Aldi Süd and Aldi UK

A fruit and nut bar with high-quality, purely vegetable ingredients, without added sugar, which tastes really delicious and is still healthy? Is that possible? Yes, at Aldi! Such a tasty bar, which contains healthy and top-quality ingredients, has just hit the shelves. In Aldi Süd stores, it is called a WERT BAR, while it is known as a NATURAL BAR in the UK. Malvega designed and made the packaging, and was asked to make the whole product look tasty and healthy. Fresh colours, combined with muted shades and a natural, illustrated look, convey the healthy nature of the product and the value of the ingredients, [mehr]

A woman with red lipstick winks, making an OK gesture while wearing a blue floral dress. Her playful expression is reminiscent of the bold approach taken in the recent Malvega packaging redesign against a plain background.

We’ve done it again! Malvega redesigns the packaging for Schulte Feingebäck

For the whole Malvega team, it is a great honour to be asked to take traditional companies and big-name brands in new directions. Despite tradition, we like to breathe new life, energy and modernity into the design of a brand. That is just what we have done for Schulte Feingebäck – new imagery, a new design, and a more contemporary, fresh, appealing and modern look! A special instinct is required when reorientating a packaging design so that it promotes a certain lifestyle to the customer. That is what made this a particularly exciting and outstanding task for everyone involved in the conception, design, photography, illustration [mehr]

Verpackungsdesign Malvega - Referenz: Fixum

That’s what makes Fixum and Malvega so attractive

Everyone knows that high-quality product packaging should remain undamaged when opened, and be able to be securely closed again and again. For premium packaging containing cosmetics, for example, or gift boxes and high-quality presentation folders, gluing or adhesion is not always ideal for the intended area of application. We have just the solution for that! Fixum and Malvega have joined forces to produce an innovative and attractive closure solution with small magnetic catches, which always ensure safe opening and closing As a result, opening the packaging becomes an experience. As you know, this enhances brand perception and identity. That is why Fixum has manual and [mehr]

Red macarons and their tops arranged in a neat pattern on a bright blue background.

The sweet life: Malvega at ISM 2019

After four successful days, the world trade fair dedicated to sweets and snacks came to an end on 30.01.2019. Every year, the unique combination of impulses, innovations and top-class exhibitors inspires visitors from all over the world. This industry event also features the world’s largest range of sweet and snack brands. Can you guess who simply could not miss it? That’s right! MALVEGA – the packaging design agency. We naturally represent several of our customers, such as Rübezahl, K-fee, Krüger, Kalfany, Conrad Schulte, Ludwig Schokolade, Hans Freitag and Kuchenmeister, when they exhibit at the ISM trade fair. At Malvega, we are always proud that we [mehr]

A woman in a business setting smiles and gestures towards a digital cube. Text on the image is in German, related to packaging design.

Malvega launch

Mission accomplished. Wohooo! The new Malvega website is online. We are proud to present the agency, and all its skills and references. “The old website was a little outdated. We are always as keen as mustard to help with customers’ projects,” says Ms Breuer. We are all the more pleased that our online presence now represents what we promise to our customers in terms of quality and professionalism. Thank you to our team and the Online agency </Arthur for their great work and the enjoyable cooperation. The Malvega website will be further developed in the next few weeks. Take a look at the current content: Malvega news [mehr]